Electromagnetic Resonating Element (ERE) Gauge

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Petrospec ERE Gauge

The Petrospec ERE pressure sensor provides excellent long term accuracy, stability of readings, and reliability under demanding thermal heavy oil application conditions.  Petrospec Engineering’s ERE pressure sensors are the pressure sensors of choice as they are the highest temperature rated sensor on the market today (rated to 260oC and lab tested to 300oC).  The frequency output of the Petrospec ERE is immune to external electrical noise, able to tolerate wet wiring and the pressure rating is customized to ensure the highest level of accuracy for individual applications.


  • Spooled in to perforated observation wells
  • Bundled and clamped, usually with thermocouples, to casing as part of observation well planning


  • The frequency signal is exceptionally immune from cable effects, including length (to several kilometers), splicing, resistance, noise pickup and moisture
  • The vibrating wire coil circuit contains no semi conductor devices and has a built-in ionized gas discharge device protection against transient damage
  • Standard construction is all high temperature stainless steel alloys
  • Coupled with the Petrospec proprietary clamp design ensures protection during installation and full contact with rock face
Electromagnetic Resonating Element (ERE) Gauge

Electromagnetic Resonating Element (ERE) Gauge